Performance of MDaemon Outlook Connector

Recently I saw a setup where a particular user was using MDaemon server with outlook using the MDaemon Outlook Connector. This user had around 12GB cached locally. The way outlook connector work is by keeping a local cached copy of the e-mail body in a database and the attachments as separate files. This is different from Microsoft Exchange caching where everything is kept in one files, the OST file.

The problem was that it was taking the customer around 40 minutes to open outlook (from a cold boot). That’s quite unacceptable!!

The first time I was working on this, I did some “standard” housecleaning like defrag (both client and server) but the single most important this is the disable AV on the Outlook Connector caching folder. From cool book, outlook was now loads and usable in 4 minutes. That a huge improvement but still not acceptable.

The second stage was upgrading the RAM from 2GB to 4GB, installing a small SSD drive which was used exclusively for the Outlook Connector local cache. Now outlook is loading and usable in 40 seconds.